February 20, 2022

Microsoft Office 2019: How to Convert Older Microsoft Office Files?

By Edwidge Danticat

office 2019 kopenMicrosoft Office 2019 is the most recent office efficiency suite from Microsoft and a replacement to Office 2019, which will be accessible with the Windows 8 working framework. This form has developed with various enhancements over prior variants of the Microsoft Office bundle. It offers a Metro-UI, the default interface on Windows Phone 8 and the Windows 8 working framework. Office 2019 is likewise called Office 15 where ’15’ indicates the rendition number and not the extended period of delivery.

Not at all like past variants, has Office 2019 presented numerous critical changes The Metro interface not gives you a touch-driven client experience yet additionally gives further developed correspondence outside programming applications. The suite offers consistent mix with Cloud innovation, which assists you with putting away your own information on the Cloud for simple access and safe recovery.

Programming applications inside the Office suite have gone through a few significant upgrades. The new Outlook has worked on booked assignment and schedules. PowerPoint has added new layouts and impacts for simple and more successful introductions. New Excel has added many added credits like Roman to Arabic number change, progressed information channels, microsoft office 2019 kopen  so forth Word has further developed abilities like web-based sound and video inclusion, support for PDF altering, ODF read and composes, and some more.

Windows 8 Support

Windows 8, the most recent OS from Microsoft set to be sent off October this year, upholds this adaptation of Office. While the suite is additionally viable with Windows 7, clients can get a satisfying touch insight with this item running on a Windows 8 tablet or contact screen PC.

Metro Interface

Office 2019 presents a UI that is excellent, cleaner and less jumbled, considerably more as a Metro based application than the work area variant. It includes a full-screen mode, and is altogether different from conventional applications.


Microsoft incorporates distributed storage office with the most recent delivery – Office 2019. This is made conceivable with their web-based capacity and sharing assistance called SkyDrive. Whenever a client saves his/her documents, it naturally gets put away on the cloud and can be matched up with another PC utilizing the internet based SkyDrive account. It has the capacity to match up with framework documents, yet record area can be changed. Aded information records can be gotten from any gadget you need, a PC, a Tablet or a Smartphone.